March 21, 2022


GAINESVILLE, Ga. – More physicians are on the way to care for people across the region, as Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) learned Friday who is joining the newest class of resident physicians this summer.   This fourth class of residents spans five specialties. Six General Surgery, 20 Internal Medicine, 12 Family Medicine, 12 Emergency Medicine […]

February 16, 2022

Internal Medicine Resident has Three Articles published in Cureus Journal

Congratulations to Vidya Baleguli, MD for this amazing achievement! Read below for the summary of her research. Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) Encephalitis in a Non-Transplant Patient With Polymyositis HHV-6 infections are commonly described during the first three years of life during childhood. After primary infection, HHV-6 establishes latency like other herpes viral families. Roseola infantum, also […]

December 14, 2021

Eight Internal Medicine Residents Match into Fellowships from NGMC

According to the AMA, with more than 10,000 applicants landing positions, the 2021 appointment year fellowship Match was the largest in record. Figures released by the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) detail data behind matches – conducted in 2020 and early 2021 – for 68 subspecialties that will start this summer. Northeast Georgia Medical Center […]

September 15, 2021

Shine a Light, Speak its Name

National Physician Suicide Awareness Day September is Suicide Prevention Month, and September 17 was National Physician Suicide Awareness Day.  We recognize this day to create awareness about the epidemic of physician suicide, to remember colleagues lost to suicide, and to fight against the stigma of physicians seeking mental health support. Fast Facts Physicians die by […]

August 24, 2021

TAGME Leadership

Donna Brown

Congratulations to Donna Brown, director of Graduate Medical Education at Northeast Georgia Medical Center! Donna has been elected to be on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors for Training Administrators for Graduate Medical Education, or TAGME. TAGME is an organization that is dedicated to the administrators who run Graduate Medical Education programs. This […]

May 5, 2021

Why Train at NGMC for Emergency Medicine?

Anitha Mathew, MD

What an amazing time it is right now at Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) Graduate Medical Education! My name is Dr. Anitha Mathew, and I am one of the APDs for our new Emergency Medicine residency program. We are so excited to start this important residency and to train the next generation of Emergency Medicine […]

February 12, 2021

Responsibility of Mentors and Getting Started!

Louise Jones, PhD, MEd, Director of Research & Scholarly Activity How do you prepare for mentoring? The biggest factor with mentoring is that it takes time and mental effort. You shouldn’t commit to mentoring if you just don’t have the time or brain space to invest in the relationship. What some find more manageable, is […]

August 18, 2020

Top 5 Science Based Body Language Habits that Will Help You Have a Great Video Conference

Video conferencing is here to stay, which means it’s more important than ever to learn how to conduct ourselves through the medium – but many of us seem committed to sticking to our old, bad video habits. For example, raise your hand if you’ve realized 20 minutes into a video conference that your laptop camera […]

August 7, 2020


Maria Angel, MD HOW DID YOUR VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE AT NORTHEAST GEORGIA HEALTH SYSTEM (NGHS) COME ABOUT? In high school I knew that I was interested in the medical field. I grew up in the Suwanee/Duluth area, so I began researching and discovered the Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) Teen Volunteer program. I applied for the […]

July 17, 2020


Congratulations to Dr. Hasan Choudhury and Dr. Riyadh Al-Rubaye who are now published! Dr. Al-Rubaye received notice that their case report of Rhabdomyolysis in a COVID-19 patient was accepted in the Journal of Case Reports. The official publication will come out in August 2020. “I am very proud and impressed with this scholarly activity,” says […]