Henry S. Jennings, Jr., MD, Visiting Lectureship in Medical Humanities
Thanks to a signature gift to the Northeast Georgia Health System Foundation from Dr. Jennings’ family, the GME program of Northeast Georgia Medical Center annually hosts “The Henry S. Jennings, Jr. MD, Visiting Lectureship in Medical Humanities.” The goal for this lectureship series is to give resident physicians, local medical professionals, and the community at large new opportunities for learning from outstanding scholars in the broad and encompassing field of medical humanities for many years to come.
“Give me eyes that see the source of all ill, hands with the touch that heals, ears that hear the cry of pain, a voice that comforts, a heart that feels.”
Source Unknown
The Legacy of The Henry S. Jennings, Jr., MD, Visiting Lectureship in Medical Humanities
Overview of The Henry S. Jennings, Jr., MD, Visiting Lectureship in Medical Humanities
Who was Henry S. Jennings, Jr., MD?
Henry S. Jennings, Jr., MD, was a pioneer in the delivery of quality health care in Northeast Georgia. He was deeply devoted to compassionate and skilled care for his patients, along with their families.
Dr. Jennings received both his undergraduate and medical degrees from Emory University in Atlanta and upon completion of his residency there in internal medicine, he was invited to become one of the founding physicians of the Emory Clinic in 1951. In 1953, seeking a smaller community in which to raise his young family, Dr. Jennings moved northward to Gainesville. Dr. Jennings was attracted to the promise and potential of the growing community and to the quality of physicians already in practice in Gainesville, with its newly completed Hall County Hospital.
Dr. Jennings spent his entire professional and personal life working to change his community for the better: embracing his chosen community, planting roots, raising his family, teaching and inspiring the next generation of healthcare leaders, and serving in numerous local and statewide leadership roles over the ensuing decades.
Dr. Jennings was a mentor to and encourager of many aspiring nurses and doctors in Gainesville, beginning at home with his own children, Betsy and Henry, both of whom became physicians.
Previous Lectures:
Integrating Purpose into Professional Identity
February 18, 2025
6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
NGMC Walters Auditorium & Virtual Presentation
- Reflect on one’s personal values and how they inform identity and decision making.
- Identify strategies to align purpose and meaning with one’s role as a healthcare professional.
- Discuss how integrating purpose into professional identity can improve resilience and ethical practice in challenging situations.
- Apple practical tools to foster a sense of fulfillment and authenticity in one’s professional life.
Enduring CME will expire on 02/18/2027
Presented by:
Ira Bedzow, PhD
Executive Director, Emory Purpose Project
The Potential, Promises, and Pitfalls of AI in Medicine
February 6, 2024
6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
NGMC Walters Auditorium & Virtual Presentation
- Discuss the necessity of the human connection between a doctor and a patient, even in this increasingly technology-driven world.
- Explore the risks and rewards that AI-enabled care poses to patients and physicians.
- Explain how the AMA is giving physicians a seat at the table in the design and creation of new digital tools.
Enduring CME will expire on 02/06/2026
Presented by:
Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH
President, American Medical Association
“You Tell My Baby’s Story for All the World to Hear” The Communal and Redemptive Act of Storytelling in Medicine
November 7, 2022
6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
NGMC Walters Auditorium & Virtual Presentation
- To understand the importance of communication in caring for patients
- To discern the importance of communal storytelling for provider wellness
- To promote empathy for our patients and the journeys they are on
Enduring CME will expire on 11/7/2024.
Presented by:
John C. Wellons, III, MD, MSPH
Vanderbilt University Medical Center / Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital
Finding Structure in Chaos: Protecting the Healthcare Workforce in COVID-19 and Beyond
December 7, 2021
6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
NGMC Walters Auditorium & Virtual Presentation
Presented by:
Joshua C. Morganstein, MD
- Discuss the psychological and behavioral effects of pandemics and disasters on individuals and communities
- Review an evidence-based framework for delivering interventions during pandemics and disasters
Building Diversity and Inclusion: A Voyage
December 15, 2020
NGMC Walters Auditorium & Virtual Presentation
Presented by:
Andre L. Churchwell, MD
Physician, Heal Thyself – Finding More Joy and Less Burnout in the Practice of Medicine.
October 10, 2019
Presented by:
C. Michael Valentine, MD, MACC, FAHA, FSCAI
Please note: As of October 2021, this video no longer offers CME physician credit.
Would you like to learn more?
To learn more about how you can support GME and their efforts to impact healthcare in our region, contact the NGHS Foundation at 770.219.8099 or visit www.nghs.com/foundation.
For more information about the Henry S. Jennings, Jr., MD, Visiting Lectureship in Medical Humanities, please contact gme@nghs.com.
The Jennings Lectureship series will provide opportunities to advance medical education in our region that would not otherwise be available. We are so fortunate to have these amazing learning opportunities come to Hall County. We will have a wide range of topic beginning with well-being but expanding across the medical humanities – presented by some of the best educators in the nation.
John E. Delzell, Jr, MD, MPSH
Carol Healan Burrell Professor in Medical Education
Vice President for Medical Education