NGMC GME Family Medicine Program Director, Dr. Monica Newton, has been appointed to the National Commission on Education through the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). In this role, Dr. Newton will be tasked with the important work of framing the curriculum for Family Medicine physicians.
Additionally, Dr. Newton will serve on the Subcommittee on Graduate Curriculum (SGC), a committee that touches all Family Medicine residencies in the country. The subcommittee will revise and highlight some of the most important education components family physicians in training should learn – components that will serve them for years after graduation.
The AAFP currently has a campaign to increase medical students choosing Family Medicine as their career by 12% to 25% percent. The Commission on Education seeks to help achieve this initiative by providing role modeling, building a diverse workforce, and providing security for the scope of practice future Family Medicine physicians desire.
“Building a pipeline of Family Medicine physicians is key, and I’ll be working collaboratively with peers to achieve this much-needed goal.”
Dr. Monica Newton
The COE focuses on a vast scope of work, including the workforce; student interest and student choice; student and resident issues; curriculum; oversee planning and evaluation of the national conference and educational awards.
“This four-year appointment combines what I’m most passionate about – Family Medicine and teaching. I’m very honored to continue the mission of the COE and I can’t wait to get started,” says Dr. Newton.
The Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) Family Medicine Residency Program is a three-year training program offering residents the full scope of training and clinical experience necessary to comprehensively manage a population of patients throughout the lifespan. In our community-based program, residents will have hands-on experience directing care that is focused on prevention and will become experts in chronic disease management. Residents receive additional training in:
- Population Health Management
- Global Health
- Leadership
- Billing and Coding
- LEAN/Quality Improvement
- Behavioral Health
Because we serve patients from 18 counties across Northeast Georgia, Family Medicine residents will receive a wide range of training that will enable them to practice confidently in any setting, including rural, suburban or international.
The first class of Family Medicine residents will match in March 2020.